Green Hosting News

Another Domain Scam

19th Dec 2012

Unfortunately there's another domain scam doing the rounds via e-mail. We've been bombarded by them here.

I'm sure you would be able to tell that these renewal notices are fake but we just wanted to let you know about them to make sure. Here's what they look like:

Domain renewal e-mail

If we have purchased domains on your behalf we will always contact you directly to let you know that your renewal is due, at least 30 days beforehand.

Changes to Domain Renewals

15th Oct 2012

This is a notice for clients for whom we have registered and continue to renew domain names on their behalf.

Our domain registrar has let us know that they are implementing some changes to ensure renewal of domains run as smoothly as possible, lowering the risk of domain suspension and downtime. So, they will now request domain renewal payments 7 days in advance of the expiry date. As you already know, our terms and conditions say that funds are required by us at least 14 days in advance of the expiry date, otherwise we can't be responsible if your domain name is lost, suspended or bought by someone else. Therefore, in light of these changes, we will continue to send your renewal reminders at least 30 days in advance and request that payment is made 14 days before domain exipry.

We know that you, our lovely clients, pay promptly anyway and so I hope that these changes won't affect you too much and that our early reminders will still provide plenty of time to prepare your renewal payment. If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you

Client News Roundup Spring to Summer 2012

6th Jun 2012

As you may have noticed it has been a while since the last client news roundup. We're moving these to quarterly editions so that we can share even more news in one go. Here's what our clients have been up to this spring and early summer....

Welcome to New Green Hosting Clients

Artsmix - Connecting people through creativity and providing opportunities for artists.

Made by - The 3D design new practice degree show 2012.

Army Ornithological Society - The organisation for military birders. Look out for their new website coming soon!

Anvil Collective - A design collective profiling the work of 5 designers.

More client news...

Wildlife in the City encourage budding creative writers to send in their poems about homes for wildlife.

Cycling for All's parent organisation Wheels for Wellbeing celebrate being picked by National Lottery Awards as one of the top 10 national sports projects. With voters' help they're hoping to reach the top 3!

Cherrygorgeous launch their brand new range of eco wedding stationery, 'Indian Summer'

Cherrygorgeous Indian Summer wedding stationery
Image © Cherrygorgeous

Climate East Midlands announces winners of the 'Business in the Community' annual awards.

Ethical Weddings interviews jewellery designers using Fairtrade gold and couples who are wearing it, one year on from the launch of 'Fairtrade and Fairmined'.

Nottinghamshire Widlife Trust celebrates the successful winning of a grant from the charity Mind, to help fund the Idle Valley nature reserve and their Ecominds project.

Climate Change Gardening reports on the eco credentials of Chelsea Flower Show 2012.

Dragonfly at Foxglove Covert Local Nature ReserveFoxglove Covert Local Nature Reserve are always spotting and recording brand new species to the reserve. This one was also their first dragonfly of the year!
Image © Foxglove Covert LNR

Ask Iris teams up with Eden Hall Day Spa in Notts to give one lucky reader a relaxation day. The prize draw closes on 31st July.

Greenhouse PR were delighted to be nominated for the 'Ultimate Eco Blogger' award presented by Find Energy Savings.

Barnes and Adams announce the production of their first 2012 batch of Tyndale Gold cider.

Your news

Remember if you're one of our Make Hay web design, Green Hosting or Make Mail clients you can share your exciting news here too. Send it over to us anytime, just get in touch!

Wildlife in the City - New website

20th Apr 2012

Here is our latest website, Wildlife in the City, designed and developed for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

Wildlife in the City website home page

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust asked us to create a fun, interactive web presence to get people involved in Nottingham City's green spaces and nature reserves.

Wildlife in the City website maps

At the website visitors can find out about the latest news and events right on their doorstep, as well as get involved in local wildlife sightings and surveys.

Wildlife in the City species page

The site is a learning tool too, providing fascinating facts about various species that can be found in the city and guides on how to attract them to your garden. Ask the Wildlife in the City team a question at the website and get your answer published online,  watch videos, check out the photo galleries and download activity sheets. You can also sign up for free text alerts and the e-newsletter so that you don't have to miss a thing.

Here's what Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust said about it:
We are thrilled with our new Wildlife in the City website... The result was exactly what we had asked for, and more. The website is great - many have commented on how simple the site is to navigate, and how engaging it is. Make Hay's excellent advice and guidance made sure that we ended up with more than we expected, with interactive elements and excellent features... We would not hesitate to recommend Make Hay to other customers

Read the full testimonial and find out more about the Wildlife in the City website in our portfolio.

Wildlife in the City runs on our wind-powered Green Hosting too!

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