E-mail autoresponders

An autoresponder (out of office reply) is used to send an automatic reply when you receive an e-mail. This is sometimes used as a notification that you're on holiday or how to contact you in case of emergency. You can set up an autoresponder within your Green Hosting webmail account.

An autoresponder (out of office reply) is used to send an automatic reply when you receive an e-mail. This is sometimes used as a notification that you're on holiday or how to contact you in case of emergency. You can set up an autoresponder within your Green Hosting webmail account.

Setting up an e-mail autoresponder:

  • Log-in to cPanel or Webmail (you can access autoresponders from either of these)
  • Click 'Autoresponders' - In cPanel this is found under the Emails section
  • Click the 'Add Autoresponder' button.
  • Fill in the details of your autoresponder
  • You can set a start and stop date for this so you don't have to remember to switch it off.
  • Click the 'Create' button to save.
  • If you want to change or delete the auto responder at a later date: Log in to your Green Hosting control panel, click 'Auto Responders' and select the responder to be modified or deleted.

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